We are all contaminated with toxic chemicals and some of us more than others! In the industry of beauty and #FAVulizling hair exposure to chemicals is a daily occurrence for me. That said, I cannot imagine my life without the creative outlet of #FAVulizing beautiful hairstyles for my clients.
Therefore, upon learning about the harms of toxic chemicals in household products in my home and personal care products I decided to lighten my toxic exposure in my home and where I can in my work environment. I strengthen my body by taking therapeutic grade supplements that truly work and have independent studies that confirm the effectiveness of the supplements I ingest.
Additionally, I am conscious of the snacks I eat, the cleaning products that I use in my home, in my laundry and apply on my skin including using chemical free makeup that is actually anti-aging! Our Skin is our largest organ and absorbs chemicals from our clothing and the products we put on our skin is absorbed into our bloodstream in 26 seconds.
I invite you to learn WHICH PRODUCTS you are already purchasing and how switching stores would benefit you by enrolling as a preferred member to purchase safer, more effective personal care and household cleaning products for your family.
Creating great #FAVulized hair on the outside is #FAVtastic; however, true beauty comes from the inside out by how we create our inner health through nutrition and making informed choices about the personal care and household products we choose to use. Be #FAVtastic inside and out by shopping wisely to "Detox" your life and create a #FAVulized hairstyle with #FAVina's hair artistry!
Learn more about the largest online wellness shopping club in North America offering over 400 products that are safe for your health and our planet. SIMPLY switch stores for the products you are already purchasing (laundry detergent, household cleaners, deodorant, lotion, chemical free makeup, therapeutic grade vs retail grade supplements, healthy snacks, dental care, essential oils and even pet care!) for your household. By purchasing directly from the manufacturer you save time, money, contribute positively to the environment and for additional savings purchase through the online marketplace from over 600 retailers you know and love already!
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